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Active Voice And Passive Voice

Active Voice And Passive Voice

Pada tulisan blog kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai kalimat akltif (active voice dan kalimat pasif (passive voice), berikut adalah pengertiannya:

  • Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah suatu kalimat yang pokok (subject) melakukan pekerjaan, selain itu juga suatu kalimat yang berawalan ‘me’ dan ‘ber’ .

  • Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) adalah suatu kalimat yang pokok (subject) dikenai pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain subject kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang dinyatakan oleh kata kerja. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat pasif adalah kata kerjanya yang berawalan dengan ‘di’ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan ‘ter’ (tergantung pada konteks kalimat).

Ada beberapa hal yang harus kita ingat dalam mengubah active voice menjadi passive voice. Pertama, ingatlah bahwa verb (kata kerja) dalam active voice berupa Verb 1, dan dalam passive voice berupa Verb 3. Hal ini merupakan yang paling mutlak. Kedua, perubah aktif ke pasif tidak membutuhkan perubahan tenses. Hal ini akan mempermudah kita dalam mengganti kalimat aktif pasif. Ketiga, untuk lebih memudahkan lagi, kita pindahkan Objek yang letak awalnya di belakang (pada kalimat aktif) ke depan (pada kalimat pasif). Keempat, jangan lupa menambahkan ‘by’ sebelum subjek (pada kalimat pasif). Berikut adalah contoh kalimatnya :
1.     A: I buy a book today.
P: (+) A book is bought by me today.
 (-) A book is not bought by me today.
2.  A: The cat catch the mouse today.
 P: (+) The mouse is caught by the cat today
 (-) The mouse is not caught by the cat today.
1.     A: We visited them two days ago.
P: (+) They were visited by us two days ago.
 (-) They were not visited by us two days ago.
2.  A: He bought the pen from the shop yesterday.
 P: (+) The pen was bought by him from the shop yesterday.
 (-) The pen was not bought by him from the shop yesterday.

1.     A: I shall visit my father tomorrow morning.
P: (+) My father will be visited by me tomorrow morning.
    (-) My father will not be visited by me tomorrow morning.
2.  A: We shall take this book next week.
     P: (+) This book will be taken by us next week.
 (-) This book will not be taken by us next week.

1.     A: I am reading the magazine now.
P: (+) The magazine is being read by me now.
 (-) The magazine is not being read by me now.
2.  A: They are drinking the tea now.
 P: (+) The tea is being drunk by them now.
 (-) The tea is not being drunk by them now.

1.     A: My brother  was biting the dog last month.
P: (+) The dog was being bitten by my brother last month.
 (-) The dog was not being bitten by my brother last month.
2.  A: She was sending the letter to me last week.
 P: (+) The letter was being sent by her to me last week.
 (-) The letter was not being sent by her to me last week.

1.     A: Manny will buying a book.
P: (+) A book will be being bought by Manny.
 (-) A book will not be being bought by Manny.
2.  A: She will be watering this plant.
     P: (+) This plant will be being watered by her.
 (-) This plant will not be being watered by her.

1.     A: We have bought a new magazine just now.
P: (+) A new magazine has been bought by us just now.
    (-) A new magazine has not been bought by us just now.
2.  A: Elsy has driven the car to my house just now.
     P: (+) The car has been driven by Elsy to my house just now.
         (-) The car has not been driven by Elsy to my house just now.

1.     A: He had sold his car to me yesterday.
P: (+) His car had been sold to me by him yesterday.
    (-) His car had not been sold to me by him yesterday.
2.  A : She had opened the box last week.
      P: (+) The box had been opened by her last week.
          (-)The box had not been opened by her last week.

-      Complete English Grammar penerbit “Apollo” Surabaya.

Nama : Disty Median Vanida
NPM : 22210099
Kelas : 3EB10


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